Sunday, January 13, 2013

Well hello! I bet you thought I was done with my blog. Well I am here to start it up again! I need something in my life. A lot is going on in my life and I decided I needed to get back to blogging and working out. So, after a trip to Goodwill where I bought 2 fitness books, many weeks of trying to decide what I want to do, I came up with a new plan. I took what I learned from the 2 fitness books, my PINK videos/guide, and my preferences, I decided on my plan of attack. I tried to start to ease into it by watching what I ate and doing a mini workout. Well I couldnt even do that. WTH? I dont know why I just cant get off my butt and workout! Im tired but feel good when I do it. So today started a new week. And I didnt follow the diet, because we ordered pizza at work, but I did bring healthy snacks. I did however do the Level 1 workout of one of the fitness books and I ran on the treadmill for 2 minutes! Tomorrow I will follow the diet better and I will do the workouts. I need a change. Everytime I look in the mirror I think, why cant I just diet, why do i drink that coke? I look and feel miserable! I eat because Im depressed, Im depressed because I eat. So Im hoping this week I can get back into the workouts, eat better, and loose the weight. Please send me motivation!

1 comment:

  1. Rose Marie, First of all, no diet in the world works. Healthy eating and life choices do. Start small and add a little each day. 1st thing no more soda no matter what. Think about it what nutritional value does soda have? NONE Switch to water, at least 8 glasses a day. Water will flush out all the toxins from your body and hydrate you. Next no more fast food, even at work. If the rest of them want pizza let them. Bring your healthy lunch and eat with them. No more restaurant food. Cook healthy meals at home, salad, fresh vegetables and protein. Limit your starches. Watch your salt intake,use pepper instead. You need to build endurance as far as exercise goes. Start by walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes in the morning and evening, add 1 extra minute each time everyday. When you build it up to 30 minutes each time. Switch it up a little add faster walking, or running, whatever works for you. If you are having a bad day then just walk any exercise is good. Remember this is not a diet it is a healthy life choice. Good Luck.
