Tuesday, March 13, 2012

power through it!

I am completely drained! I thought I was going to have the day off and be able to complete 2 wokrouts. But they were busy at work so I got called in. And we were pretty busy. So I didnt get some of the cleaning done that I wanted to but I made a little money. Anyway, I got home from work, ate dinner, and took Addie to swim lessons. I made Ian go with her because, for one I was tired, and two, I didnt know if I wanted to see myself in a swim suit. When we got there, I saw several reasons that I still need to continue with this diet! After Addies lesson, we came home and relaxed for a little bit before getting her ready for bed. Then one of my favorite shows, The RIver was on. I decided to watch all of it and began to think, naa Im not going to do my workout. Then I remembered those reasons I still needed to workout. So I got ready, and did the kickboxing workout. I was exhausted, sweaty, and had a horrible headach. But I powered through it. I admit, I did the modifications, and I rested longer than I should but I got through it. Im glad that I powered through it becuase the scale rewarded me. Im officially in 1 3 9!!!! I cant believe it! I still dont know why I cant fit into the next size jean, but again, my jeans are too big and contiune to fall down. And Im fittiting into shirts better. But I still have a gut. This week I need to focus on powering through it. I need to focus on: sticking to the diet, getting out and enjoying the beautiful weather by walking with my daughter, and doing the workouts. And hopefully at the end of the week, the scale with contiune to reward me.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing great! I know you want to lose weight fast- what woman doesnt- but you are doing it the right way and the pounds will stay off! I started Weight Watchers last May and did that for 3 months and lost 30 lbs. Loved it- and I am not a girl that will give up food or beer, I like to eat. Then I started walking about 30 minutes a day, then would add little running intervals into my walk and now I run about 7 miles a day. Jumping on the treadmill for a minute burns a lot of calories- just add 30 extra seconds every couple days and you will be amazed at what it will do for you. Little tricks like this really add up. When your pushing Addie in the stroller run with it for 30 seconds- she will think it's fun and you will blast off extra calories. I went from a size 14 to a size 4 and you will too if you stay active. Chasing a toddler around keeps you pretty busy as well, having a 2 year old and a 1 year old I dont remember the last time I sat down! Keep your head up- you are losing weight the right way!
